Saturday, June 2, 2012

Setting a Lovely Table

If you had to query some of my friends for my weaknesses I venture to say that a majority of them would mention jewelry as a top weakness.  They would be right.  I do love my baubles, geegaws, and trinkets. 

My friends may say I have a weakness for dining out, and they would be correct.  I love to try a new restaurant, to try different versions of the same dish, to experience the different décor in various restaurants.

However, one of my major weaknesses I try to keep under control….mainly because it can be so expensive….is I adore decorating a table.  Plates, cups, saucers, various pieces of silver, crystal, mixing and matching things, using unusual items to decorate a table….I adore all of it.   I have several different sets of dishes and glassware.   When I’m out shopping I will pick up a set a of dishes or items that might make a great table-scape like folks pick up a new shirt or pair of pants.

 If I ever win the lottery I will have a room….not a closet….but a ROOM devoted to table linens, glassware, china, silver, napkin rings, and objects to use on dining tables.  

However, until I win the lottery I’ll just have to keep my weakness under control. 

I  went to the Penny McHenry Hydrangea Festival today and one of the sections of the flower show including table decorations…..I snapped up several pictures to refer to later for ideas. 

You can click on each picture to enlarge it a bit and see it isolated on a page by itself.  Then hit the "back" button to return to the post.

Here they the tables I loved:

I need a set of red glasses like these.....

Notice the greenery tucked into the napkin.....

Look at the plate on this table.  I love the deep red....

I don't particularly like the table cloth for this design, but it does stick to the horsey theme.  

This picnic scape is one of my favorites.   The trunk, the basket and the hat all add to the theme for a country picnic while you are out gathering a bouquet of hydrangeas.

Some of the entries were for buffet preferred way to serve a large crowd.   I love the mix of flowers here......

This is another buffet setting that caught my eye.   

It's hard to tell in the picture but placed along the table were peacock placements or a runner of some sort.   I'm really coveting these napkin rings.  Love them!!!

This was an interesting table, too!   Greens and tans......    Loving the simple basket to prop the plates up with the napkins draped over....

There were flowers and lanterns all down this buffet table.....

The center bouquet was interesting.   Yes!!!!  They used green apples in the bottom of the glass container to keep the flowers stationary.  

This is the same arrangement from the top....

Another section of table designs has to do with breakfast trays.  I loved this particular one because it's so simple yet elegant with unique plate choice.    Love!!!!    

What's more elegant than white and silver?   The theme for this year's festival was The Royals tying in types of hydrangeas with the Queen of England's Jubilee.   This table designer picked up on the theme as well.  The napkins rings were rhinestone tiaras.

This is from the table above....I loved the detail of wrapping the wine bottle in white.

And the last table I snapped pictures of.....lovely china.   Too lovely not to get a picture.  I was very tempted to turn over a piece to see what it was....but I didn't.  :)

The same table as above but showing the full detail.....notice the small box on the table next to the flowers.  It had the wedding portrait of the Queen of England and Prince Phillip painted on it.

Former UGA football coach Vince Dooley was the featured speaker for this year’s hydrangea festival.   He shared his love of gardening with us as well as some pictures of his gardens. 

You can see some pictures of him and his gardens I've posted over at Georgia on My Mind
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